How to reclaim up to 40 hours a week

As our lives become more and more hectic, it can seem nearly impossible to check off everything on the to-do list, let alone find time to reconnect with ourselves or those we love, both of which have been proven helpful when it comes to one’s happiness and health.

From getting dressed to running errands to getting dinner on the table, here are some simple ttricks to give you back some time each week:

1.        Clothing (reclaim 2 hrs/wk)

Either go full Steve Jobs and wear he same outfit every day or put together a minimalist “capsule wardrobe” and decide what you’re going to wear the night before. Either way, you’ll reduce the decision making time involved in getting dressed.

2.        Meals (reclaim 7 hrs/wk)

On average, people spend an hour or more a day sourcing and preparing meals. Save time by having your groceries or meals delivered, bulk cooking on days off, meal replacement shakes or eating similar meals each day (to reduce decision making).

3.        Stop trying to multitask (reclaim 10 hrs/wk)

The best productivity app on your phone is called flight mode - use it to avoid distractions. Would you rather multitask for 8 distracted hours or work 4 laser-focused hours and get all your tasks completed.

4.        Long meetings (reclaim 5-10 hrs/wk)

We all know the default time blocks for meetings - 30 or 60 minutes. Most can be shorter (or not held at all). Try this productivity tip, courtesy of Elon Musk: set meetings in 5 minute increments (5, 10, 15 mins etc.,)  Or just avoid unnecessary meetings altogether.

5.        Turn off your TV (reclaim 10-15 hrs/wk)

On average people watch television for 3 hrs/day. You could be living your own dreams, but instead you’re living someone else’s. Turn off your TV and spend time with your family or friends, go to the gym or for a walk.

6.        Batch your news (reclaim 3.5 hr/wk)

Avoiding sensationalised daily news headlines is self care, so consider batching news consumption on a weekly basis. Try The Economist or The Week.

7.        Personal inventory management (reclaim 1.5hrs/wk)

Don’t waste time having to run to the store for a single item. Figure out the burn rate for common use items such as razors, deodorant or vitamins and subscribe to them on Amazon.

8.        Home cleaning and laundry (reclaim 3 hrs/wk)

Outsource these if you can. Psychology says purchases that save us time make us happier.

9.        Learn to say “no” (reclaim 3.5 hr/wk)

Whether it’s new projects at work or social gatherings, saying “no” more often will help protect your time and energy, set boundaries and build self-respect. If it’s not a “hell yeah”, then it should be a “no”.


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